How to Make a Real Life Fairy Girl
This little beauty really surprised me and Danielle of Danielle Marie Photography during her Enchanted Session. One of the first things she told us was that although she was wearing a dress today, she really wasn’t a “dress-kind-of-girl.” So I thought she was going to be a little tomboy. Now I was a tomboy growing up, with fond memories of climbing trees, running races with all the boys in my class and just not understanding the drama that hung around all of the little girls like a cloud. So we took a different approach and just jumped into her session playing on her imagination.I have to tell you, imagining that you have a fairy in your hand isn’t the easiest thing to do. But, she put on her “acting” shoes and ran with it. I know when she sees this image, she will remember that fairy coming to greet her.
I have fond memories of chasing and catching fireflies when I was little. I wasn’t always successful. But there was something about capturing a creature that actually glowed that just made the whole thing amazing. So even though these images were made in the early afternoon, I wanted to create that wonderful experience from my childhood for her. Hopefully one day she can do it for real.
Who hasn’t wanted to fly at some point in their life? Well, I couldn’t make her fly, but with these wings she can imagine that she just might be able to do it.
When those beautiful eyes looked up at me, I just knew this image had enough drama to be a great black and white photograph. I love how your eye is just drawn right to her face.
From drama to complete joy! The sun decided to join in on the fun in this image.
See why I call her beauty now? She may be a tomboy right now on the inside, but she is just as feminine and delicate on the outside. This one could almost be a painting.
Wow! Daddy, you are going to be cutting the phone line and barring the door when she hits her teens. Her eyes totally took on the color of the ferns around her in this image.
One last night image for little beauty here where I again turned her into a real life fairy girl. I hope you enjoy what we created. If you would like to do something similar for the little lady in your life, give me a call. We can either do a session just for her or we can easily incorporate this into a family session.