Touching Newborn Photography Session done by your Local Newborn Photographer ~ Glastonbury CT
When this family contacted me about getting their “soon-to-arrive” newborn baby’s photographs taken, they had a special request. As much as they could appreciate the beauty of posed newborn photography, they really wanted to capture exactly how they feltĀ once their new baby arrived. They knew they could travel to a studio and get gorgeous pictures, but they wanted a photographic snapshot of this moment and what their love looked like. Since I am Glastonbury’s local newborn photographer, and I do all of my sessions in my client’s homes, they thought I would be a perfect fit for them.
Being in their home was so serene. They spent the morning curled up on the couch or cuddled up on their bed, just enjoying the little noises and the sweet smell of their new baby girl. They had been able to enjoy a home birth thanks to a wonderful midwife, so welcoming their newborn daughter home didn’t include a car-ride. It was done the instant she took her first breath.
This little newborn baby was so amazingly relaxed. Almost every newborn keeps their hands balled up into fists that I carefully unfold so that they baby will relax and be peaceful looking in photographs. This beautiful newborn girl knew that she was so safe and happy that her hands just rested comfortably right on top of her parents’.
We did take the time to photograph their newborn baby on her own to create some keepsake photos for her newborn album. She had a gorgeous coloring to her skin.
Sometimes a moment is made so much more intense when we get to see it without color, in just black and white.
Baby girl smiled so much during our session. She was truly so content and obviously so loved.
I just love when a newborn comes into the world with eyelashes! None of my sweet kids had more than 4 lashes on each eye for about their first month of life, so I’m so amazed when a little one gets blessed with such beautiful details.
Another perfect newborn smile.
It really was a beautiful experience getting to photograph this little family with their newborn baby girl. I know they are cherishing every moment with her and will be able to look back at these photographs one day with her, smiling and laughing as she points to them and says “Baby!”
If you want something more from your newborn photography session than just gorgeous images of her in a bucket, contact me today. I would love to help you capture the memories of your baby’s first days of life so that you can enjoy the beginning forever.