Lilly & Elizabeth ~ 1 Year Old Twin Session at Elizabeth Park

What a gloriously sunny day for this fun one-year-old TWIN session at Elizabeth Park. A year ago, Mom and Dad were in for a big surprise with their beautiful identical twin girls (click here to check out their newborn session). Once again, I can’t believe how fast these twelve months have gone by – every time a family calls to schedule their one-year portraits, I think, “Has it already been a year?!” But I could not have been more excited to see this couple and their little cuties again. It’s always so much fun to watch the transformation take place. More seems to happen during that first year than at any other time.
The girls were so sweet and mostly happy during the session. One year is always a little harder for photos as they’re kind of in-between the baby and toddler stage. To make it easier, I met them for an early morning session between their two naps, which was the most beautiful time to visit this park in bloom. We enjoyed a few bottle breaks to keep them happy and awake until we were done, and they really did great! I think the peaceful natural surroundings really helped. It’s hard to be cranky with yellow flowers bursting all around!
This session was so symbolic: it was held at Elizabeth Park – the name they picked for one of their girls – plus, it was filled with flowers in honor of little Lilly. As the cherry on top, Mom’s favorite color is yellow, and it just so happened that the only flower in full bloom that day were the yellow roses! The day could not have been more perfect (although Dad vows that the next session won’t have yellow in it so their entire house doesn’t end up blanketed in yellow artwork – ha!)
I had so much fun with this lovely couple, and I can’t wait to see how much their little ones have grown by their next session. Until next time, sweet friends!

Getting photographs taken around your children’s first birthday is such a wonderful time to document not only their growth but also your growth as a family. If you would like to get photographs like these created for your family, contact me today. I do book up several months in advance, so it’s definitely not too early to start considering a winter or spring photography session for your family!

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