Growing Like a Weed! Two-Year-Old Photos ~ Greyson
2 Year Old Boy and Family Photoshoot
Kids grow so much in their first months and years of life that as a parent, it’s almost hard to keep track of their milestones and how quickly they’ve grown and changed. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why so many of my clients choose to maintain a regular schedule of getting new photos every year or even more often – so that as the years go by, they can look back and remember their child at every incredible and unique stage of their development.
As their photographer, I take such joy in reconnecting with these families every year and seeing what amazing strides their kids have made in what seems like such a short time in “adult years.” That was definitely true for this 2-year-old boy and his family photoshoot. I couldn’t believe how much he had grown in the year since our last photo session, and I was excited to capture all the astonishing ways he had changed.
We took Greyson’s two-year photos in the same beautiful park where we took his one-year photos, but these two galleries are anything but the same. Greyson can do so much more now, so it was a blast to photograph him interacting with the environment and unleashing his inner explorer.
Of course, no child’s photo session is complete without portraits of the entire family together, and this family looks absolutely gorgeous together. Truth be told, Dad is not a big fan of getting pictures taken (like many dads), but he knows how important these portraits are to Mom and he’s so generous in going through the process every year. I’m sure that as Greyson grows up, he’ll be glad to look back on the photos too and remember the joy that Greyson has brought him at every stage of life.
If you want to preserve this moment in your family’s growth, too, now is the perfect time to schedule a family photo session. Contact my Connecticut photo studio today to book your session.
family photographer, family photography, family photos, toddler photography, toddler photos