And a Second Princess Enters Their Life. . .
You might never have known that this family just brought home a newborn baby if you were looking in from the outside. Everything was so calm inside, and it stayed that way until the very end.
It was still very snowy when they brought their second princess home a few days before, so we did our entire photography session inside. I was greeted at the door by the sweetest little cherub with dark blonde hair and a chubby cheeked smile. She turned out to be a lot like I must have been as a toddler; very spirited, independent and with an unshakeable love of jewlery!
Once Mom got her newest lovey all ready, they began the session with a little family time. Dad was so patient and Mom so careful to keep little cherub’s excitement from bubbling over onto her new sister, but in the end lots of love and kisses were doled out.
Not to leave the other two family members out of the fun (the family’s two dogs), we moved downstairs to play in the family room. Dad tried to kick off a toddler-led dance party, but she turned out to be more interested in tennis and cars. Dad is so going to love that about her in a few years!
Little lovey was wide awake this entire time and was just soaking up all that was going on around her. She was truly an amazing newborn. Just 4 days old, and as you can see, she would just gaze into her mother’s face.
When all the fun was wrapping up, Mom took me and little lovey up to sister’s room for a few individual portraits. Such a calm and sweet baby, she just cooperated and gave us some beautiful images.
When lovey let us know that she was done, the family was preparing everyone to settle down for a nap. After a full morning of activity, I’m sure it was a welcome rest! I hope you enjoy these images as much I enjoyed creating them.
If you would like to have moments like these captured of your family, contact me today by clicking on the Contact Me link below. Don’t miss out on the chance to remember your newborn for a lifetime.