Magic in the Woods | Children Photographer Greater Hartford Connecticut Area

All kids like to play pretend. But truth be told, so do I! So when we woke up without anything specific to do one day, I decided that we were going to see what fantasies we could create with the camera. A few costumes later and the local wooded path and we were all set. The kids couldn’t wait to tromp around the forest in costume so all I had to do was wait for the right expressions and the right light. Had anyone happened upon us, I’m sure we would have been a hysterical sight. It’s not every day you hike up upon a woodland fairy, an Elizabethan princess, and Captain American (followed closely by their Mom pushing a baby in a stroller.) I hope you enjoy what I created. If you would like to do something like this with your children, give me a call. Our kids get to enjoy magic like this for such a short time. Make sure you capture it.