New Artwork on display at Daybreak Coffee Roasters

This week I did something that scares the heck out of me. I put fifteen portraits on display in Daybreak Coffee Roasters coffee shop on Main Street in Glastonbury. If you haven’t been to Daybreak, you simply must go.
Why, you ask? So I have a long history with my friend, the cup of coffee. I’ve been drinking it since I was 5. Now before you imagine me, the kindergartener, stumbling bleary-eyed towards the coffee pot each morning, let me give you a little back-story. The women in my family, and there were a ton of them, always got up early and started their day with a coffee. So when we would visit my grandmother, if you got up with the women, you were allowed a cup of coffee milk. This consisted of about an inch of coffee, a heaping teaspoon of sugar and a lot of warm milk. Let’s just call that “dessert”! Once I got to about age 15, that cup of coffee became more like my Momma’s. Strong, sweet and with just an inch of milk to make it go down smooth.
Now we can all attest to the fact that coffee shops are becoming almost as common as Nail Salons. So why is Daybreak so special? Well, first thing I noticed was that their coffee was uncommonly good. Many independent coffee shops roast their own beans like Daybreak and end up serving coffee that tastes burnt (at least to me.) That is definitely NOT the case at Daybreak. Their coffee is so good and smooth that I actually can skip the sugar, which ironically, just masks bitterness in coffee (and in Southern women, bless her heart).
Another thing I really love about Daybreak is that it has been a wonderful place to teach my children the “ropes” of going out to eat. Because it is a small, intimate setting, my kids don’t get distracted and have learned to happily order, eat peacefully, and clean up after themselves when out. Since it is just coffee and a snack, we are in and out of there in 15 minutes. So if someone were to melt, we don’t have to hastily pack up an entire meal with a screaming toddler on our hip. Now, we go so often that many of the staff have become like family.
Oh, and before I forget, if you are in need of a great hostess gift, Daybreak has you covered. They literally have an entire long wall of gourmet foods, teas, coffees and other delicious items for you to choose from. So, no more freaking out when you need that last minute gift item for your kid’s teacher or other deserving friend.

So, drop on by Daybreak when you need that next “pick-me-up”, and as a bonus, you can see portraits of several families from Glastonbury on display. You can have breakfast, lunch, a snack or just a great cup of coffee. Then, let me know what you think. Better yet, eavesdrop a bit for me (just to satisfy my curiosity!)