The Best for Us
Some couples decide to start a family and then boom, 9 months later they have one. And some of us wait and wait, and with each passing month, watch our hopes and dreams turn into sadness. That was my story for several years until I found a wonderful doctor who helped us figure things out and start our family. So when this dear friend’s daughter started down that same road I’d traveled, I couldn’t help but feel for her.
But as you can see, God smiled down on this little family not too long ago and sent them a beautiful baby girl. I was so thrilled for them and couldn’t wait to create their newborn baby pictures. This little dear was so wonderful. Awake and waiting for me, we got to say our formal hello’s and then Momma fed her off to sleep.
That’s when all the fun began. She happily transitioned for position to position and place to place without ever stirring. If she sleeps that well for her parents now, things are going to be easy-peasy (as my kids would say) as time goes on. Well, at least in the sleep department.Daddy was fantastic with his new daughter too and helped me throughout the entire 3-hour session. Now he has 2 beautiful women to love on.
God answers our prayers always. The answers may not be what we expected or on our timetable, but He does what is best for us. Clearly for this family, this newborn baby girl is His best for them. And now finally, it’s the right time too.
Ruth Lang
absolutely stunning! So much love emmitting from these photos.
Maria Leonardi Volle
What beautiful pictures to mark a miraculous event in anyone’s life. May you all be blessed with all of life’s best always.
Patty Flint
Arlo is beautiful! I am so happy for you both Aimee and Jerome!