Family Photos of Brotherly Love ~ Noah and Luke

Brother Photo Session
For so many little boys, the role of a big brother is one they treasure above all others. I’m not sure what’s better: the love that those brothers feel for their little siblings or the joy of watching the way they care for them. I was blessed enough to watch big brother Noah take on that role with his one-year-old baby brother Luke in his family photo session.
Mom had actually reached out to me right after Luke was born, excited to schedule a family session with her newborn and the rest of their growing family. Unfortunately, I was fully booked at the time, so Mom made a resolution to get photos for Luke’s first birthday instead. This time our schedules aligned, and I’m so glad they did!
Fall Family Photos
We scheduled their photos for a crisp fall morning. This local garden was the perfect way to capture those gorgeous fall colors. The weather may have been cold, but you’d never know it based on the warmth of this loving family’s smiles.
Noah was the epitome of a big brother. He was so grown-up for his age and eager to help with anything he could, especially helping with little Luke. Luke was shy at first and it took him some time to warm up (literally), but it was so sweet to watch Noah right alongside Mom and Dad helping Luke to come out of his shell.
In the end, we were able to make the most out of our time together and capture some amazing portraits of this young family. Mom and Dad loved their photos, and they even chose to print one of the portraits on a large 30-inch canvas to display as a focal piece in their home. They were thrilled with how it all turned out, and so was I!

To schedule your own session, contact my Glastonbury photo studio today.

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