Baby #2 Takes the Family Dynamic up a Notch ~ Glastonbury, CT Newborn Photographer
Years ago when I brought my first baby home, I remember feeling anxious but serene. It was just my husband and I and two cats, so quiet was an easy thing to come by. Fast forward a few years to baby #2 and all that serenity went out the window. My rockstar was now a toddler and wanted our newborn to be her new plaything. She also had no concept of how to be quiet. So we had to worry about her dragging the new baby out of the swing or shoving cheerios in her mouth and even running cars down the new baby’s face as she yelled “VROOM!”
That’s just what you sign up for when you bring another baby home. And this family was having a similar, although tamer, experience when they introduced the second baby in the family. Big brother was loving being a big brother, and loving the construction that was going on upstairs in their family bathroom. He was also enjoying this photographer lady that had come to take pictures of his new baby (at least for about 30 minutes, and then he was so over me.)We got quite a few sleeping images of this little dude, but since he was so big when he got hungry he needed some extra loving from his Momma.
Momma really wanted this pose, which is called the froggy pose. Not all babies will do it, and it is only done safely as a composite (meaning that it consists of two or more images blended together), so I was so happy when her little man went into the pose without the slightest complaint. Cutest little boy isn’t he!
This is another image that is created with a little “trickery”. Although he looks like he is just hanging out in a baby hammock, that wouldn’t be safe (especially with a chunky little baby like this). So I photographed him on a black backdrop that was draped over a bean bag and had him lying down in the hammock. The rest of the image was created in photoshop! But the simple beauty of this black and white make you really focus on the details like his heal-stick and his alert eyes.
Loving his rosy cheeks and little eyelashes here.
Having a little snooze in this driftwood bowl filled with the softest fluff you’ve ever felt. Of course, when he started becoming unsettled we knew something was coming. And sure enough, an explosion happened shortly after this image was taken. But boy did he feel better after that!
I loved this image. Usually, this pose is taken when the baby is sleeping soundly so that you can show the contrast between the size of the parent’s hands and the baby. Honestly, babies only fit in their parents’ hands this way for a few weeks after birth, and then they just don’t fit anymore. But this little tyke was fully awake and interested at this point, so we just went with it. He came up with this “power to the people!” move all by himself.
The parents were able to get a little time to enjoy their newest son when I enlisted their 3-year-old to help me. So wonderful to see the new baby learning his Daddy’s face while Mom looks on and savors the moment.
If you are thinking about getting newborn pictures of your next baby but are worried about getting everybody ready and out of the house for pictures, contact me today! I make it so easy for you by coming to your home with everything necessary to capture those precious first days with your little ones and you can just sit back and enjoy!