Sweet Twin Maternity Session

Caroline and her husband were ecstatic to find out they were pregnant! This is their first child, and those few weeks until the first doctor’s appointment and sonogram seem like forever, not to mention how hard it is to keep the big news to yourself. While she battled morning sickness – an uncomfortable yet reassuring sign that all is well – she counted down the days until they could hear the heartbeat and see their tiny gummy bear on the screen!
Finally, the big day arrived. They walked into the doctor’s office filled with nervous excitement. While the nurse hooked up the sonogram machine, the nurse moved the heartbeat monitor around until she caught something. The steady thump thump, thump thump was loud and clear. The nurse wrote down the heart rate and moved to the sonogram. She kind of poked and prodded a little until she could get a clear picture. There was the baby, a tiny little figure on the screen! This was the moment they had been waiting for!
“What’s that thing next to the baby?” Caroline asked?
“Well, that’s another baby. Congratulations, you’re having TWINS! And they both look like they’re progressing perfectly!” responded the doctor.
Caroline and her husband looked at each other in shock for a second, then huge smiles spread across their faces. This would be their biggest adventure yet!
Wickham Park Whimsy
Of course, they had to document this glorious time right before their little ones arrived, so they scheduled a relaxing maternity session in Wickham Park in Manchester, CT. The weather and park were so perfect, it looked like we had created the backdrop for them. But the lush trails, tranquil pond, and shady trees were completely real!
We scheduled her maternity session a little earlier than some. Caroline is so petite, and with twin girls, her belly was growing fast! She looked so beautiful relaxing with her hubby, and the violet dress complimented the natural surroundings perfectly. Such a lovely session! I can’t wait to meet their cuties in just a few short weeks!

If you would like to capture this moment in your family’s life right before your baby arrives, contact me today. I have a couple of spots open in September and then am taking bookings from October – February of 2020.

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