Taking Pictures of Your Own Kids | Child Photographer Greater Hartford, CT Area

See this beautiful image of my kids. Well, I had to work my butt off to get it. It started out so sweet, everyone holding hands. But then Princess had to hold Cherub’s hand, and Superhero didn’t want to be on the end. Rockstar kept trying to play “mommy” which was driving Cherub insane. So I straightened my Mommy hat and told this one to stop it and that one to straighten up or there would be consequences! Then I flipped my Photographer hat back on, smiled and sweetly said, “everybody smile!” This went on for a good 5 minutes, and this was the only shot, out of 30, that worked.
We’ve all been there. You try to catch your little ones doing something sweet or cute, they end up give you all kind of heck and you put the camera down aggravated. The problem is that kids are simple creatures that have placed us in one role: Parent. In every situation they depend on you for guidance, praise and instruction. But when you jump in to photographer mode you are suddenly different, and they take advantage of that like a high school boy would a substitute. So you bounce back into Parent mode and they react, but usually by this time the situation has begun to swirl the drain.
You just wanted to capture what you were seeing your kids do so that you could look back and smile at the memory. I know, honey. Let me make your life easier. My photography business isn’t about just taking pictures. It’s about allowing you to relax and join your family in the fun. Imagine having photographs of you baking cookies with your kids, flour on their noses and smiles covered in melted chocolate. Or of you and your family giggling under the covers after a wild tickle session on your bed. And the best part? No aggravation, no tears, just laughter and loads of memories for you to display that will make you smile every time you walk by them in your home. Sound blissful? Then give me a call or email and we can talk all about it.
Until then, try “stealth mode” when you want to photograph your kids. It’s much less painful.