The Benefits of Growing Up Yankee | Southington, Connecticut Family Children Photographer

I will totally admit that my heart broke a little when I realized that moving to Connecticut meant that my kids wouldn’t experience growing up in the South. The first time I heard Superhero call after a group of friends on the playground and say, “hey, wait up you guys,” I almost gasped out loud. In case you are wondering, the correct way to address his friends would have been “y’all” (at least in my mind.) But it is days like today that mend my heart a bit and make it ok that we have chosen to raise our brood in New England. You see, they got to go skiing!

Skiing wasn’t possible in my childhood. Oh, we got a bit of snow in Southern Mississippi when I was growing up. . . twice, and about a half an inch. But I did get to experience this fantastically fun sport in my college years, and it really is awesome. Skiing is about as close to flying as we can get without strapping ourselves to some sort of machine.

So being able to give my kids this opportunity every winter (hell, every weekend!) is amazing to me. They had an absolute blast and are currently sleeping VERY soundly in their beds. Yes, my little ones are growing up Yankee. But honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.