Crew ~ 3rd baby boy newborn photos

With each new addition, life gets a little crazier but oh, so fun! As a mother of multiple kiddos myself, I know how busy life can get, but I also know that I’ve never felt so much love. A parent’s heart knows no bounds and grows exponentially with each precious child. Sometimes life with a big family requires a little improv and flexibility, but that’s ok! And that just what we did for this newborn and family session.
These sweet parents have their hands full with three adorable little boys. Big brother Colton is six years old. He’s the serious one of the bunch and doesn’t like to smile for photos, so we went with the steely model poses. Smiling or not, he’s such a cutie (or maybe he would prefer ‘handsome young man’). The middle brother, Chase, is two years old. He tried playing shy most of the time, but we still saw a few giggles and smiles when his curiosity got the best of him.

And the newest member of the crew – is Crew! This little cutie was fifteen days old for his newborn-only shots, and he was sweet as could be. He snoozed his way through some of the shoot, just needing a few warm cuddles from mom in between. After meeting his older brothers, I can’t wait to see what his personality will be like!

Originally, the family was going to join in on the newborn session, but you know, life happens. The brothers weren’t feeling well and Dad was called into work, so we rescheduled the family portion. We wanted to schedule the family part of their session a couple of weeks later, but things got so busy for them that I didn’t end up seeing them again until Crew was three months old. So here we are, Newborn, Three-Month, and Family Sessions all together! Even better.
Mom really wanted a sibling shot and Chase wasn’t having it, so I got lucky and got a photo of him alone. Then I composited him into a photo with his brothers and got it for mom. All in all, I think we got some great shots between the two sessions!

Having a few kids running around when your next baby comes along can definitely make things hectic. But don’t let that stop you from getting these precious moments in your family photographed. Get in touch with me to find out how I make it easy for you to capture these special moments in your family’s life together.

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