Michael ~ Newborn Baby Boy Creative Themes Session

Sometimes families want classic newborn portraits, sometimes they want themed sessions, and sometimes that want a little of both – as was the case with baby Michael’s newborn session. With a diverse collection like this, you can use the portraits for just about anything: albums, classic wall art, fun birth announcements – so many options!
Michaels parents came to see me a few years ago when I photographed their twin newborn girls Valentina and Penelope. Their parents just love colorful photos and creative composites, so I was thrilled to be doing another newborn session for them!
They chose the deep blue to complement the deep purple that we used for the girls’ session. Just like his sisters, baby Michael has the sweetest cheeks and precious newborn rolls. The newborn detail shots are some of my favorites. Their adorable features don’t stay like this for long, and soon those scrunchy legs turn into ever-moving toddler legs. It’s so important to document these sweet moments while you can!
After the classic bare-skinned sleeping poses, we transitioned to the imaginative and whimsical sets. Michael’s parents LOVE superheroes, so we made Michael into Superman and Captain America. I have a feeling he will love these photos as much as his parents when he reaches the preschool stage. Most kiddos get a kick out of seeing babies dressed up as their favorite characters. I can just hear him now, “I was Superman when I was born?!”
Did you know that an elephant with its trunk up is good luck? Who knew?! Mom loves elephants, so we decided to give baby Michael some extra luck by doing a photo of him sleeping soundly in the curve of an elephant’s trunk. I’m so glad his mom recommended this because I love how it came out!

Welcome home, little one! May your first year be filled with love, laughter, and exciting discoveries!
If you would like something super creative like this newborn session for your new baby’s photoshoot, contact me today. I am scheduling newborns from June 2020 and beyond (pending the big, bad Covid, of course).

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