Emilia ~ Not ‘Russian’ to Grow Up

Mom and Dad have lived here since they were around 8 years old; however, they were originally from Ukraine and Poland, respectively. Because they both have a strong pride in their heritage, they wanted to incorporate some of that into their newborn photography shoot. One way in which we did this was to use the stackable Russian dolls. I loved that we found the perfect outfit for her to wear in order to blend in with the other dolls. I can’t get over how cute her little hands look! She has her little chin perched on her hands like such a darling little girl.
Also, Dad’s mom is one of the most amazingly talented knitters I have ever encountered. She made the strawberry hat that Emilia is wearing in the picture of the pancake stack! Mom found an image she wanted to emulate, so we recreated it with the pancake pose. It took all 3 of us to get Emilia in the right position, but believe it or not, that was the easy part! I then had to go and make pancakes, photograph them, and do the composite, which about killed me! But after it was all said and done, we got it, and the photograph turned out fantastic.
They loved the creative things that I create, so they picked out several composites for me to do, and I surprised them with a few new ones as well! I love the deep purple backdrop of the floral crescent moon. It’s such a rich color and yet so dainty with the flower buds and the twinkling lights. The “Plant. Grow. Bloom.” is one of my favorites as well. Such a cute spin on things growing up! Mom and Dad loved the sleeping bear on the swing. Emilia looks like she is in such peaceful sleep as she slumbers over the deep blue waters in a magical land.

Newborn photography sessions don’t have to be boring with the same photographs that you see everyone getting. They can be personal, unique and most of all amazing! Contact me to find out more about scheduling your soon-to-arrive baby and family with me.

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