Parents Need to be in Newborn Photos

When planning for a newborn session, don’t forget to include yourself! I know that the transition back to normalcy and finding a new family balance and routine can be challenging in the weeks following the birth of your baby. Some parents worry that they will look tired, or some mothers feel a little uncomfortable in their post-pregnancy bodies, so many don’t get photographed and make it just about their baby. But let me assure you: all parents go through similar transitions after their little ones arrive. And in my experience, I’ve noticed that new moms always look better than they feel (why are we so hard on ourselves?), and the extreme love and joy you feel toward baby has a way of erasing any signs of exhaustion. Need another reason to include yourself? Here are three!
1. Memoirs for Your Kids
Newborns usually sleep through the entire photo session, so they have no idea what’s going on. Years from now, your kids will really appreciate being able to look back at photos from when it all began! They can see that they were surrounded by love, and it’ll mean the world to them to see you in the picture holding them in your arms.
2. Memoirs for Yourself
Believe it or not, no matter how you feel after delivery, these photos will remind you how beautiful, young, and in love you were as new parents. These photos will serve as snapshots from the very beginning of your journey as a growing family. And your kids won’t stay that small for long! You’ll love pulling these back out and remembering that tiny bundle of joy as your little one grows beyond childhood into a teenager and eventually into an adult.
3. Represent Your Family
Newborn photos are so beautiful and important, but you can also use your newborn session as a chance to take your very first family portrait with your new little love. It will represent the intense love that each parent has for that specific child and their growing family as a whole.
Ultimately, parents don’t have to display these photographs if they don’t want to, but having them – even if they are tucked away or part of the baby’s album – will serve as memories that their children will one day cherish as well.
If you are expecting a new baby soon, (or one that has just arrived!) and would like to capture this moment in your family’s life, contact me today. I have a few openings for the month of May and then more as the summer progresses.

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