Liliana ~ Fall at the Waterfall Family Photoshoot
Check out the stunning colors of this late fall session! We wanted spectacular fall leaves, but we were at the last weekend of peak foliage. On a whim, I thought we’d try this pretty waterfall location. Even if the leaves were on their way out, the water gently cascading down the rocks would not disappoint. We were amazingly lucky with this location—we had both the gorgeous golden leaves and the sparkling waterfall. Bonus: the sky was extra blue as it peeked through the tops of the trees. I love all of the contrast!
Giggles at the Bubbling Brook
This is also a great spot for families with little ones because the outdoors seems to calm them down, and they have room to explore and let out some energy (great for capturing those candid shots). Liliana is a very headstrong, confident little girl and wanted to explore everything. (Click here for this little one’s newborn session.) She is so cute! She loves to smile with her nose crinkled up like she’s angry. 14-month-olds can be tricky to photography, but she had no problem posing and smiling like a pro in front of the lens. Mom and Dad had fun playing with her with the leaves and showing her the bubbling brook, and I had fun watching them and capturing their time together.
The wind was super strong, but down in this inlet, we were protected and had a great time.
My favorite is the gorgeous photo with Liliana held in the air against the bright blue sky. They loved it, too, and ended up getting a custom metal display of it for their home.
Thanks for spending some time with me! I loved capturing these photos for you!

To book your family session, contact me today. I can’t wait to hear from you and meet your sweet family.

baby photography connecticut, family portrait studio glastonbury ct, family portraits glastonbury ct, Family Session, infant photography ct, One Big Happy Photo, One Year Old, toddler milestone, waterfall session