One-Year-Old Cake Smash with Local Baby Photographer ~ Glastonbury CT
This little ladybug is adorable as she enjoys her one-year-old cake smash, but she is so much more than cute. Let me tell you a little bit about this beautiful fighter and the journey that she and her family have been on this past year. Born several months too early, this little baby girl spent her first 5 months of life in the NICU. Having surgery after surgery to repair a hole in her esophagus so that she could take food in through her mouth and not have it pass into her lungs, she stayed pretty tiny as she learned to smile and eventually think about having solid food.
Her family spent way too much time in doctors offices this past year, and made many trips to the emergency room, but nothing could quell this little darling’s spirit. Happy as a clam, unless she has to deal with breathing tubes, you can feel the joy radiating from her as she explores the world.
She had another surgery shortly after this cake smash photography session to fix that esophagus once again. Most of the town and all of her parent’s friends were in almost constant prayer as their little girl repeatedly had what the doctors were calling “death episodes” over 5 days after the surgery. Turns out, baby girl here is a stubborn fighter because once Mama suggested that they remove her breathing tube and just give her oxygen through her nose, all of those scary moments ended. See what I mean about really not liking breathing tubes!
She’s lost quite a bit of weight since these photos were created, but since her Mama makes great cake, I’m sure that she’ll be climbing those scales again very soon. This was the first time baby girl had seen bubbles!
Even with all of the challenges that she has faced so far in her first year of life, little Miss is a complete doll and is determined to make up for lost time. Standing with a little help from this chair, she will be off and running very soon.
At the end of our fun cake smash, we couldn’t resist getting her big brother in on the action. “Cake, really, I can have cake right now? And as much as I want?” Now, what kid isn’t dying to hear those exact words!
If you would love to create a special memory for your baby’s first birthday, contact me today! I promise, watching your baby enjoy their first taste of sugar and then dive in for more will be an absolute blast for you!